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Evolutionary of The Ribosome

Overview of Ribosome Evolution

The evolutionary history of ribosomes, one of the most fundamental molecular machines in life, dates back to the earliest origins of life. Ribosomes are complex structures composed of different kinds of proteins and RNAs, and there are many differences among different species of organisms, but they all follow common biochemical principles. It is speculated that the original ribosomes may have been assembled from RNA molecules, and this RNA world hypothesis suggests that the earliest organisms were composed of RNA alone, which functioned both as a transmitter of genetic information and as a catalyst for reactions, and thus could replicate and evolve themselves. Later, with the advent of DNA and the diversification of ecosystems, cells began to adopt ribosomes as tools for protein synthesis. As organisms evolved, ribosomes underwent continuous changes and adaptations. During the evolution from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, ribosomes have increased in size and complexity. The composition and structure of ribosomes vary in different biological species, but most ribosomes contain two subunits, the large subunit (LSU) and the small subunit (SSU). In eukaryotes, ribosomes also contain many complex structures composed of additional proteins and RNAs. In recent decades, biologists have shown similarities in the sequences and structures of catalytic proteins and RNAs in different species of organisms through the study of ribosomes in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes.

Prokaryotic Ribosome Evolution Study

Scientists have observed details of ribosomal RNA variation through three-dimensional structures and have proposed molecular-level models to explain the evolution of ribosomal large subunits, small subunits, tRNAs and mRNAs. In phase 1, the ancestral RNA folds into stem-loops and minihelices filled with defects. In phase 2, LSUs catalyze the condensation of nonspecific oligomers. SSUs may have a single-stranded RNA binding function. In phase 3, subunit binding is mediated by tRNA expansion from minihelix to modern L-shape. the evolution of LSU and SSU in phases 1-3 is independent and unrelated. In phase 4, the evolution of subunits is correlated. The ribosome is a non-coding diffusion nuclease in which proto-mRNA and SSU act as localization cofactors. In phase 5, the ribosome expands into an energy-driven translocation decoding machine. At phase 6 the common core with a proteinaceous surface is completed and the genetic code is optimized.

Fig. 1 The first six phases of the ribosomal evolutionary accretion model. (Petrov, A. S., et al., 2015)Fig. 1 The first six phases of the ribosomal evolutionary accretion model.1

Overall, the evolutionary history of the ribosome is long and complex, and its diversity and complexity reflect the process of natural selection and adaptation of life. Despite the differences in ribosomes among different organisms, their basic biochemistry and function have remained constant, providing the basic protein synthesis function for living organisms. Creative Biolabs' experienced scientists have been working in the field of ribosome research for decades and are committed to providing customers worldwide with one-stop solutions related to ribosome research to accelerate your project.

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  1. Petrov, Anton S., et al. "History of the ribosome and the origin of translation." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112.50 (2015): 15396-15401.
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